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Villa Vegas


Działki/tereny, golf, domy do remontu na sprzedaż w Balchik, Bułgarii


Building plot just outside a golf course
Great 891 sq.m. plot with sea view

Miasto: Balchik
powierzchnia działki: 891 m2
widok: morska panorama  
dojazd do drogi  
odległość od drogi: 0,2 km
Zakup: Zakup za pośrednictwem Waszej firmy bułgarskiej
Wymiana walut: EU USD GBP
CENA: 14 900€

Odległość do
Lotnisko Warna: 60 km
Lotnisko Burgas: 160 km
Morze: 7 km
Pole golfowe: 0,3 km
Sklep: 3 km
Restauracja: 0,3 km
Port jachtowy: 7 km
Szpital: 10 km
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Schemat opłat
Depozyt rezerwacyjny : 1000 Euro Wpłata nie podlegająca zwrotowi
Pierwsza rata : 10 % Podczas zawarcia umowy wstępnej
Druga rata : 90 % Po przeniesieniu własności
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Large building plot with sea view on Northern Black sea coast.

Land in regulation on the northern Black sea coast

The plot is situated in village of Topola, which makes it perfect for golf lovers and very convenient for beach and sun lovers, as well. In between Balchik and Kavarna, it offers great sea panorama.

With its size of 891 sq.m., the plot is suitable for building of a good-sized villa with swimming pool and garden.

The plot is situated near a good road, connected to the main coastal road, which leads to the biggest northern resorts and Varna international airport (60 km away from the village).

Nearest beach is called White Lagoon and is on about 7 km away.

There golf courses are available in 20 km radius - BlackSeaRama, Lighthouse and Thracian Cliffs. Shops, restaurants and many different facilities are available in Balchik, Kavarna and Albena.

Umiejscowienie i zabytki lokalne
About Balchik

Balchik town is one of the most famous resorts on the North Black Sea coast. After a day at the beach you can enjoy a nice walk along the sea followed by a romantic dinner with sea view panorama.
Balchik is a great choice if you are a seeker of nice places with ancient history. You can visit The Royal Palace, the Botanical garden, Museum of History and many other places worth being.
About Kavarna
Kavarna is one of the relatively large cities on the Black Sea coast. Its port handles passenger and cargo maritime medium-sized vessels. The city is located 48 km from city of Varna and only 12 km from the picturesque Kaliakra cape. Beach north of the town is high and steep while southern part of the city boasts excellent beaches.
Place worth being is the high hill Chirakman which keeps the remains of Roman villas and walls of medieval building and churches. There is also a town museum with interesting exhibits from the history of the city, including an impressive Thracian collection, also a gallery and archaeological museum. Old buildings date back to the reign of the Ottoman Empire, preserving the remains of Greek and Roman times. Cape Kaliakra is just 6 km away where the ancient fortress Tirisis is.


Ceny sprzedaży nieruchomości w Bułgarii są w euro. Dla ułatwienia, na naszej stronie internetowej możecie Państwo znależć równowartość tej ceny na określony dzień w dwóch walutach - funty angielskie (GBP) и dolary amerykańskie (USD). Тa równowartość jest wyliczana automatycznie i jest związana z kursem dnia, a co za tym idzie może ulec zmianie.



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